Based on 7788 reviews
So far so good

Purchased 2 Ocelot Pro Long Range for my wife and I. Delivery took several weeks due to the color we wanted being out of stock. Received multiple emails regarding tracking once the order was fulfilled. I contacted customer service several times asking for updates and generally recieved replies with 12 hours. Assembling the bikes took 45 minutes to an hour. Fairly easy if you're mechanically inclined but detailed instructions (video or otherwise) would be helpful. Had concerns about missing accessories I purchased, but they arrived in separate shipments within days of bikes being delivered. As for the bikes themselves, they seem to be sturdy and powerful. I'm a fat guy (300+ lbs) and I was curious how the bikes would perform going up hills. I've gone up several steep hills in our neighborhood and the motors perform well, not dropping below 10 mph, so I'm happy so far. Will be going on a longer ride soon, so will be interested to see what the battery life will be. Overall, and so far, I give the Ocelot Pro 5 stars for comfort, power and usability. I purchased the deluxe accessory pack and am happy with most of the items for what I paid. Only complaint is the 25L bag for rear rack doesn't really fit for the rear rack on the Ocelot Pro. Overall, customer service has been great so far. This bike opens up so many more trails and terrain for us than a conventional bike!

Decent bag for price

This is a decent starter bag for the price. It is pretty spacious, with the 2 drop down saddle bags. Also can unzip top for additional height in main storage compartment. The only reason I gave it 3 stars is that I can't understand why Magicycle would bundle this in a package for an Ocelot Pro. The 2 straps underneath to attach it to the rack are way too short. Please don't package this bag in an accessory pack for Ocelot Pro! Not sure if other models would have the same problem, just be aware that it may not fit your bike.


Awesome bike, have over 8000 miles on it and going strong!

I’ve tried a few e-bikes, but this one stands out for its comfort. The seat and suspension make even longer rides enjoyable without any discomfort.

I’m really into the design of this bike. It’s sleek, modern, and gets a lot of attention when I’m riding around town.

This bike is built solid. It feels sturdy, and I have no worries about it handling my weight, even when I load it up with gear.

I use this bike daily for my commute, and I love how reliable it is. The battery holds up well, and I don’t have to charge it as often as I expected.

The battery on this bike is a powerhouse. I’ve gone days without needing a charge, even with long rides. It’s nice not having to worry about running out of juice mid-ride.

I use the rear rack all the time. It’s strong enough to carry a heavy load of groceries or my work bag without any wobbling.

This bike handles different terrains like a pro. I’ve ridden it on pavement, gravel, and even some light trails, and it’s been smooth sailing all the way.

This bike is perfect for anyone who needs a little extra help on hills. The motor kicks in just when you need it, and the ride stays smooth and steady.

What I appreciate most about the Deer is the torque sensor. It delivers power exactly when I need it, without any lag. This makes my rides feel more connected and gives me better control, especially on tricky terrain.

I’m really impressed by the battery life. I’ve taken it on some long weekend rides, and I didn’t have to worry about finding a place to recharge. It goes the distance.

The Deer’s motor power is incredible. I often ride on hilly trails, and it’s like the motor barely breaks a sweat. I’m always amazed at how effortlessly it climbs steep inclines. Even with the extra power, the battery life holds up really well, allowing me to ride longer without worrying about running out of juice. It’s a great companion for challenging rides.

The overall build quality is impressive. Everything from the frame to the tires feels solid and well-made. It’s a bike I know I can rely on for years to come.

The Deer’s power delivery is so smooth. There’s no jerky acceleration, just a steady, controlled boost that makes riding effortless, especially when I’m starting from a stop.

This bike’s weight capacity is exactly what I needed. I can load it up with groceries or gear for a day out, and it handles the extra weight without any issues.

The suspension system on this bike is excellent. It smooths out all the bumps in the road, making for a much more comfortable ride, even on rougher paths.

I’m impressed by how sturdy the Deer feels. The frame is rock solid, and I never have to worry about it wobbling or feeling unbalanced, even on rough terrain.

I love the bright display on the Deer. It’s super easy to read, even in direct sunlight. I can quickly check my speed and battery level at a glance.

I’ve ridden this bike in all kinds of weather, and it performs well in every condition. The build quality is impressive, and it feels like it’s built to last.

The Deer’s hydraulic brakes are a standout feature. They’re reliable and give me the stopping power I need, whether I’m cruising downhill or navigating city streets.

The Deer’s low step-thru frame is a game-changer for me. It makes getting on and off the bike so much easier, especially when I’m in a hurry or carrying a load.

I love how this bike looks. The color and design make it stand out, and it’s always a conversation starter when I park it somewhere.

This bike’s design is sleek and stylish. I get compliments all the time when I’m out riding. It’s not just about performance; it’s a bike that looks as good as it rides.